Welcome to the "Cleavage Counter!!"
So I sit down at the bar and a rather voluptuous woman asks me, "What will I have to drink?" I said, "Two large milks please!"
I remember my first real memory of tits...not like the OG's, the ones I fed from, those don't count. My Dad use to read his nudie magazines on "The Shitter" and sometime I'd be right there with him. That's where I saw them all sprawled out in glorious variety...TITTIES!!! Good Golly Molly, God Damn, OH YEAH KOOL-AID MAN!!!! Ever since then buddy, I been hooked. You smell something? Did somebody shit there pants??
OK Ladies, here's the deal. Every month we will give away "Gutter Swag" in exchange for "Cleavage Shots." Be creative, artistic style can score you points here. Submit your pics in a zip file (of your name) with a text file with your e-mail address. The Drop Box password is "sniffstuff"