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All Hail The Almighty XOR!!!

So what is "XOR?" "XOR" is a mathematical function of Boolean Algebra known as an "Exclusive Or." Boolean Algebra is based on a binary system of 1's and 0's or, perhaps stated in a different way, it is a method of evaluation using the logical premise of True and False. In case you haven't noticed yet, the whole universe can be evaluated using this analytical method. All of the technology you use today is built upon this logical evaluation system that has become known as "Binary Mathematics."

Just like the name "Exclusive Or"states, the object being evaluated must pass some logical comparison or series of logical comparisons. The biological physical trait of sex is a basic, classical XOR comparison. Each human is born, and thus categorized in an XOR of "Sex"and must fall into a category of "Male" or "Female." It must be ONE, but can not be BOTH. These are what I would call "Polarities," or "Extremities," but as you can see from the diagram there exist a "Gray Area" inside of the "XOR Model," that which is NEITHER THIS NOR THAT. Something that defies explanation by not adhering to the stated rule. It could also be viewed as the element or boundary that creates this "Distinguished Universal Dichotomy."

A simple coin has but the two side, generally referred to as "Heads" and "Tails." Ask anybody the question of, "What percentage would you expect the coin to land on all available options?" Almost everyone would say 50 - 50. True...most of the time, but I would say it would be something more like 49.5 - 1 - 49.5. You see from time to time a coin can land on it's edge, it doesn't happen often...but it does happen. Flip a coin one billion times, it should happen at least once. The rarity of a situation can not exclude it from the model without invalidating the model itself.

To return to the previous XOR model of "sex" as a physical trait, many organism can be born hermaphroditic, or possessing both sex organs. That is a biological gray area that is completely out of Man's realm of influence...most of these gray areas are. Compound that area even further by introducing this topic of "Transgender." Then the shit that was crazy just goes insane.

I knew a guy once, who was "Transgendered." Now he was still equipped with all his original parts, he wasn't mod'd at all, but he dressed like a woman whenever he could, and acted like a woman all of the time. Now here is the funny part, he was attracted to girls. WWWWHHHHHHAAAAATTTTTTT?????!!!!! That was the shit that sent my mind on tilt? So here I am trying to process the he a man that wants to be a lesbian...or is he a man that like to dress up like a woman to get closer to them, thus lowering their defenses to seduction???? I still shake my head when I ponder that problem, not at the poor confused fellow. No, no...I pity him...another poor caged bird in this silly ass world. I shake my head at "XOR" and I think to myself...."Your a crazy motherfucker...I like it!"

But anyways....I had a point to drive home. I once stumbled across of a bit of knowledge as I have become accustomed to doing. It was a Hebrew phrase that is said to be one of the "Sacred Names of God." The phrase in question is, "Ehyeh asher ehyeh."The translation of this phrase that most caught my attention was the one that translates to: "I am that I am." If you looked at that from an alternate perspective of statement and question you have, "I am."and "That I am?" The first being "The Voice of Self" and the second being "The Echo"or "Awareness of Self" (Think of knowing you exist, but not knowing what you look like until you see yourself in a mirror for the first time). It can be seen as the conscious mind and the subconcious mind; the body and the spirit that animates it....I AM : THAT: I AM...I guess all of us just exist somewhere in between, somewhere in "The Gray Matter."

You see that symbol that is ever present in all of our work??? It's a another function of mathematics with a 'little taste' of Chinese Philosophy. I like to call it "The Unex," as in "You are Next." <-------This guy is fucking this guy crazy? Everybody out there in this world has a "number" and all those numbers are symbolized by the letter "U," or an "Unknown Variable." The Zero Power Rule reduces any number or function (except one) to a single number 99% of the time. Time to come back at you full circle with full force, that irreducible number is always "One" or "I am."

And so finally, Im just going to say it like it 'Tru' XOR protocol: "You bitche$$$ are one way and 'I am' another...and I ain't even talking at the women. Take it how you CAN take it.



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